Well then. Perhaps parents actually
can surprise you every once in a while.
I told them all the marks I got this year in my courses, including one that was particularly lower than the kind of marks I've generally gotten in the past, and they didn't completely flip out and start asking questions-that-have-no-answers (like "Do you think you did your best?" Say yes, and the reply will be "Oh, well you shouldn't think that -- you can
always do better". Say no, and you'll get "Well, why didn't you try harder, then?") or anything like that. Hmm. All right, who took my parents, where are they, and who are these strange people you've replaced them with?
Not that I'm complaining. If I can avoid the aforementioned non-answerable questions, then by all means, I'll keep the strange imposters for now.
All right, lunch break's almost over... Ta for now.